Following on from International Women’s Day on March 8th #ChooseToChallenge, Dr Rebecca Barker Consultant Anaesthetist, Deputy Clinical Lead for Anaesthetics, Deputy Clinical Chair for Surgical Division at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; a wife and mum of two, talked to us all about her experiences as a woman in what is still a male dominated role.
She spoke about subconscious bias, work life balance and how Covid 19 effected women differently to men in terms of societies’ expectations. Stories included Dr & Mr Barker being altered to read Dr & Mrs Barker on travel documents, the government publications for Covid 19 showing the woman doing housework whilst the man watched TV and the titles being used for men being interviewed on the BBC news whilst the women’s titles were left off.
This led to a really interesting discussion amongst our members which lots of people engaged in.